LOCSS Expands to New Hampshire!

Tom Shevenell (left) and Tom Faber install a LOCSS gauge in Norway Pond, Hancock, NH. (Photo Taken by David Faber)

Late last fall, the LOCSS team began making plans to expand the program to include additional lakes in New England. After doing a bit of research, we were able to find out that New Hampshire’s Department of Environmental Services has a Volunteer Lake Assessment Program (VLAP). So we reached out to Sara Steiner, the state’s coordinator for VLAP.

Sara was enthusiastic about the potential of working with LOCSS to begin monitoring changes in the volume of water in lakes in the state. Sara connected the LOCSS team with local volunteers at lakes throughout the state.

We are pleased to announce that two of those volunteers, Tom Shevenell and Tom Faber, have installed a LOCSS gauge in Norway Pond in Hancock. Norway Pond is the first of (hopefully) many lakes in the state to be included in the LOCSS project. It was possibly formed more than 15,000 years ago as the result of a retreating glacier. Norway pond is about 49 acres in size, and reaches a maximum depth of about 6 meters (~20 feet).

Although Norway Pond is the first lake we began studying in New Hampshire, we have hopes of studying 20 or more lakes in the state. We are continuing to work with Sara and many volunteers across the state in an effort to install lake gauges in new lakes this summer.

All of the lake level data from Norway Pond, as well as future lakes in New Hampshire, can be found on our View Lake Data page. You can be kept up to date with all of our latest news by signing up for our monthly newsletter.

Many thanks to Sara Steiner, Tom Shevenell, and Tom Faber for working with us. We could not have done this without you!


We share stories about the lakes in our study, our partners and volunteer citizen scientists, as well as interesting results from our research.

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