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LOCSS team members recently shared the project at the American Geophysical Union fall meeting.

The American Geophysical Union (AGU) is a global network of scientists working in earth and space science. Each year, more than 20,000 people from around the globe attend the AGU fall meeting, the largest earth and space science meeting in the world.

The 2021 AGU fall meeting was held in New Orleans from December 13-17. LOCSS team member Grant Parkins presented a talk titled "Validation of Satellite Altimetry to Support Hydrologic Science". The talk focused on the next phase of the LOCSS project in which we will begin using lake height measurements from citizen scientists to test the accuracy of satellite data. The presentation was a 3-minute "e-lightning" talk coupled with an interactive poster presentation. The talk was one of 10 within a session that focused on remote sensing, or using satellites better understand the earth.

To view the interactive poster that was created for the talk, click here.


We share stories about the lakes in our study, our partners and volunteer citizen scientists, as well as interesting results from our research.

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