New Lakes in New Hampshire

A Team of Partners and Citizen Scientists installs a LOCSS gauge in Conner Pond, Ossipee, NH
LOCSS Recently Expanded in New Hampshire

Over the week of May 17, LOCSS added 14 new study lakes in the state of New Hampshire. This effort brings the total number of lakes we are studying in the state to 18. The effort was led by Merritt Harlan, LOCSS partner and Ph.D. student in Civil Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Merritt worked closely with local partners, including the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and the NH Volunteer Lake Assessment Program. She also worked closely with citizen scientists at all lakes to find a suitable place to install a lake gauge.

This expansion in New Hampshire is an exciting one for a number of reasons. By studying many lakes in a region, it will allow us to understand whether the change in water volume in the lakes is driven by local or regional factors. In addition, these lakes are positioned to help us trust a new NASA satellite, launching in 2022.

Lake height data measurements for all of these lakes is already being reported, and can be viewed on each lake's data page. Many thanks to Merritt and all of the local partners and citizen scientists who made this work possible!


We share stories about the lakes in our study, our partners and volunteer citizen scientists, as well as interesting results from our research.

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